Colombia Tinto -


Colombia Tinto -

from $18.95

Origin: Grown in Jerico, Antioquia Varietals: Dos Mil, Castillo, Caturra
Farmers: 4 farmers (Doly Hernandez, Don Edgar, Don Felix, Don Mario)
Altitude: 1800 - 1950 meters
Process: Fully washed (2 farms) and Prolonged fermentation (2 farms)
Notes: Red Wine, Chocolate, Cherry Fruit
Direct Trade

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This unique TINTO blend from Jerico, Colombia was crafted by blending four separately farmed coffees together. Two of these farms produce a standard washed process bean, fermenting for only 16 hours. The other two farms use a prolonged fermentation process of up to 36 hours to draw out pungent cherry fruit notes and subtle flavors. The end result is a balanced and clean cup with dark rich chocolate and bright red fruit and honey notes with a hint of red wine. This is a unique fermentation process that is rarely found in specialty coffee but is proudly roasted by Brew Love.

Jerico, Antioquia is a small and very Catholic town, home to Colombia’s only canonized saint, Madre Laura (Mother Laura). The town maintains a rich coffee culture, but has limited access to resources. It is this tiny town south of Medellín, Colombia that produces some of the best tasting coffee in the world.